Dropdown component

This is the main component of the dropdown menu that wraps all the other components


variantstringlightlight, darkNoDropdown color
sizestringsmsm, md, xlNoDropdown size
showOnHoverbooleanfalsetrue, falseNoDetermies if the dropdown menu should open on hover

Children components will inherit the variant and color from this component.


Make sure you wrap all the other components inside the <Dropdown> component

<Dropdown> <DropdownLabel>Click me!</DropdownLabel> <DropdownMenu> <DropdownButton>Button 1</DropdownButton> <DropdownButton>Button 2</DropdownButton> <DropdownButton>Button 3</DropdownButton> </DropdownMenu> </Dropdown>

Using NextJS 14

If you are using NextJS 14 you need to add 'use client' for the dropdown menu to work

You can create a separate component like the example bellow

'use client' import { Dropdown, DropdownLabel, DropdownMenu, DropdownButton } from 'alin-simple-dropdown' export default function MyDropdown() { return( <Dropdown> <DropdownLabel>Click me!</DropdownLabel> <DropdownMenu> <DropdownButton>Button 1</DropdownButton> <DropdownButton>Button 2</DropdownButton> <DropdownButton>Button 3</DropdownButton> </DropdownMenu> </Dropdown> ) }